Movie Title : Sex - The Annabel Chong Story
Release Date : Feb 11, 2000 Wide
Mpaa Rating : Unrated Genre :Documentary,Special Interest,AdultIn 1995, a 22-year-old gender studies student named Grace Quek decided to break a world record by having the "world's largest gang bang" -- she had sex with 251 men in a ten hour period while the entire event was videotaped. The results became the subject matter of this documentary, which premiered in competition at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival. In addition to fame and notoriety, was Grace (now known as Annabel Chong) seeking to fill a void in her life, or was this simply a troubled story of delusion, self-destruction and a repressed childhood? We find that Annabel saw this feat as an empowering act, a step forward in her self-styled feminist movement. Yes, she was repressed as a child (and is still condemned by her Asian parents for her shameful acts). Yes, Annabel is self-destructive, mutilating herself and accepting pornography as an alternate source of acceptance and financial compensation. But is there more to her than that? Is there any hope that she may rise above her mental anguish and put the pieces of her life back together? Both powerful and depressing, this documentary contains explicit graphic sex and self-mutilation. ~ Chris Gore, Rovi
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Annabel Chong,Al Goldstein,John Bowen,Ron Jeremy,Seymore Butts
Genres Sex - The Annabel Chong Story : Documentary,Special Interest,Adult
Visitor Ranting & Critics For Sex - The Annabel Chong Story
User Ranting Movie Sex - The Annabel Chong Story : 3.1
User Percentage For Sex - The Annabel Chong Story : %
User Count Like for Sex - The Annabel Chong Story : 3,770
All Critics Ranting For Sex - The Annabel Chong Story : 5.2
All Critics Count For Sex - The Annabel Chong Story : 18
All Critics Percentage For Sex - The Annabel Chong Story : 44 %
New Trailer For Sex - The Annabel Chong Story
Special Review For Movie Sex - The Annabel Chong Story
An alternately fascinating and repellent digital video documentary.
Geoff Pevere-Toronto Star Most viewers may be tempted to attribute her behaviour to a gang rape she endured in London in 1992 ... Yet no one in the documentary, including Quek, connects the two experiences in the film.
Liam Lacey-Globe and Mail It's difficult to dodge the sense you're being manipulated.
Liz Braun-Jam! Movies She ends up being exactly what you expect a porn star to be like
Christopher New Movie Images Sex - The Annabel Chong Story
Movie Overview For Sex - The Annabel Chong Story
The documentary follows Annabel Cong, former record holder for the world's largest gang bang, which she set in 1995 by having sex with 70 men. It focuses on her reasons for working in porn, and her relationship with friends and family. The documentary reveals to the viewers that she was gang raped as a student living in London and describes her many complex emotional issues, including signs of depression, self harm, and substance abuse. The film also includes footage of a painful conversation in Singapore between Annabel and her mother, who until then didn't know about her daughter's porn career.TagLine Sex - The Annabel Chong Story