Movie Title : The Truman Show
Release Date : Jun 5, 1998 Wide
Mpaa Rating : PG Genre :Drama,ComedyPeter Weir directed this comedy-drama, a commentary on all-pervasive media manipulation. Scripted by Andrew M. Niccol (Gattaca), the film plays like a combination of the British TV series The Prisoner and Paul Bartel's The Secret Cinema. Truman Burbank (Jim Carrey) is unaware that his entire life is a hugely popular 24-hour-a-day TV series. In this real-time documentary, every moment of Truman's existence is captured by concealed cameras and telecast to a giant global audience. His friends and family are actors who smile pleasantly at Truman's familiar catchphrase greeting, "In case I don't see you later, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" Employed at an insurance company, Truman is married to merry Meryl (Laura Linney), and they live in the cheerful community of Seahaven, an island "paradise" where the weather is always mild and no unpleasantness intrudes. This is the basic situation of the series, which has grown over the years into a billion-dollar franchise for the TV network. As an unwanted pregnancy, Truman was adopted by the network and raised in the zoolike environment of a TV soundstage. Thus, the TV audience became hooked when Truman was very young. Now, at age 30, he still doesn't know he's a prisoner on an immense domed city-size soundstage, simulating Seahaven. Both the illusion and the ratings will collapse if Truman ever leaves Seahaven. In addition to elaborate events staged to make sure he stays put, Truman is given constant reminders of how wonderful Seahaven is compared to dangers in other parts of the world. However, his growing suspicions make him curious enough to try to leave, and the show's director and master manipulator Christof (Ed Harris) must constantly devise ways to thwart Truman's escape attempts. To enter the harbor, Truman must overcome his fear of water, intentionally instilled in him when his father "died" in a boating accident and was written out of the script. Exteriors were filmed in the Victorian-styled upscale community of Seaside, Florida. In addition to the Burkhard Dallwitz score, original music by Philip Glass and classical excerpts are also featured. ~ Bhob Stewart, Rovi
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Jim Carrey,Laura Linney,Ed Harris,Noah Emmerich,Natascha McElhone,Holland Taylor,Brian Delate,Una Damon,Paul Giamatti,Philip Baker Hall,Peter Krause,John Pleshette,Heidi Schanz,Blair Slater
Genres The Truman Show : Drama,Comedy
Visitor Ranting & Critics For The Truman Show
User Ranting Movie The Truman Show : 3.4
User Percentage For The Truman Show : 82 %
User Count Like for The Truman Show : 497,768
All Critics Ranting For The Truman Show : 8.3
All Critics Count For The Truman Show : 110
All Critics Percentage For The Truman Show : 95 %
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Special Review For Movie The Truman Show
The important thing is that Carrey and the filmmakers have taken pains to give Truman that soul -- which, in itself, provides a kind of depth. In any case, it gets you to care about how it's going to end.
Jay Boyar-Orlando Sentinel The movie might have been a soulless exercise without [Carrey]. With him, it has an authentic tremulousness, and also a dread, as if Pinocchio needed to take on Gepetto and Jiminy Crickett to become a real boy.
David Edelstein-Slate It's a satire/comedy/fantasy about the future of television and the people caught in its omnipresent electronic net: a supremely intelligent jape about a man named Truman Burbank.
Michael Wilmington-Chicago Tribune Carrey is on his mettle, but you wonder why thirty years of close observation have made Truman so funny; shouldn't he be a regular guy gone mad?
Anthony Lane-New Yorker Its essential strengths are more dramatic and emotional than topical or satirical. Truman is a touchingly gallant creation, the hero of someone else's existential burlesque.
Joe Morgenstern-Wall Street Journal A good, intelligent, insightful movie...
Andrew Sarris-New York Observer Excellently cast, immaculately designed and imaginatively filmed, The Truman Show casts the hypnotic blue glow of the television screen in a whole new light.
Serena Donadoni-Metro Times (Detroit, MI) Tthis ingenious satirical comedy drama about media omnipotence is both dazzling and sophisticated from audacious start to poignant finale.
Alan Jones-Radio Times The Truman Show is a provocative, daring drama, and Carrey, heretofore the Silly Putty-limbed star of such lowbrow joy buzzers as Dumb and Dumber and Liar Liar, pulls off the movie's tricky leading role with aplomb.
Tom Gilatto-People Magazine Jim Carrey proves he has more than one acting dimension in this original, clever tale of junk-culture excess.
-Total Film An unexpectedly satisfying, imaginative movie during a season of silliness and spectacle.
Gary Thompson-Philadelphia Daily News The Truman Show is a movie and the name of a television show within the movie, both of which star Jim Carrey. This tidy little metaphysic is superbly maintained throughout Peter Weir's flawlessly executed film.
Ann Hornaday-Baltimore Sun Weir keeps things fairly entertaining, and is admirably not afraid to veer more toward drama than comedy, but his film, like the world it portrays, is all surface.
Keith Phipps-AV Club Thought-provoking story; outstanding performances.
Nell Minow-Common Sense Media The issues it tackles are just as relevant now (if not more so) than they were when the film was first released theatrically back in 1997.
Ryan Cracknell-Movie Views ...benefits substantially from Jim Carrey's unexpectedly layered (and flat-out moving) performance.
David Nusair-Reel Film Reviews A hilarious and breathtakingly conceived satire which also allows Carrey to edge away from broad comedy.
-Film4 Some of us may go out wishing for something meatier, edgier.
Rob Isn't it amazing what you can do if you take the time to FINISH your script?
Ron Wells-Film Threat New Movie Images The Truman Show
Movie Overview For The Truman Show
Truman Burbank is the star of "The Truman Show", a 24-hour-a-day cultural TV phenomenon that broadcasts every aspect of his life -- live and in color -- without his knowledge. His entire life has been an unending soap opera for consumption by the rest of the world. And everyone he knows--including his wife and his best friend -- is really an actor, paid to be part of his life.TagLine The Truman Show All the world's a stage...