Movie Title : Vixen!
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Mpaa Rating : R Genre :Drama,AdultTom Palmer (Garth Pillsbury) is a good natured "bush jockey," flying chartered tours in and out of scenic British Columbia and entertaining visitors at his remote mountain cabin. He shares his secluded home with his wife, Vixen (Erica Gavin), a hot-blooded wildcat of a woman who is irresistibly drawn to illicit physical affairs despite truly loving her husband. Her pants are even hot enough to flirt shamelessly with her own brother, a motorcycle riding hooligan named Jud (Jon Evans), though his African-American friend, Niles (Harrison Page), earns nothing but Vixen's racist contempt. When Tom brings a wealthy young couple to the lodge for a few days of fishing, Vixen goes on the offensive and soon has her way with both visitors, helping to patch up their marriage in the process. Next she decides to ease the sizzling sexual tension with her brother by joining him in the shower, and their incestuous coupling is witnessed by Niles. Again, Vixen cruelly insults his race and taunts him for dodging the American draft by heading for Canada. Frustrated and angry, Niles starts talking with Tom's new charter flight customer, an Irishman named Mr. O'Bannion (Michael Donovan O'Donnell), who is secretly planning to hijack Tom's plane to reach Cuba. He's a Communist, and after a political debate, Niles decides to join his cause and help O'Bannion carry out his terrorism. Once the felonious duo are up in the air with Tom and Vixen, though, she refuses to keep her volatile tongue still, and nothing goes as planned. ~ Fred Beldin, Rovi
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Erica Gavin,Harrison Page,Garth Pillsbury,Michael Donovan O'Donnell,Robert S. Aiken,Peter Carpenter,John Furlong,Jon Evans,Vincene Wallace
Genres Vixen! : Drama,Adult
Visitor Ranting & Critics For Vixen!
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User Count Like for Vixen! : 1,563
All Critics Ranting For Vixen! : 7.4
All Critics Count For Vixen! : 11
All Critics Percentage For Vixen! : 100 %
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Special Review For Movie Vixen!
Variety Staff-Variety The film that showed Meyer to have the most dynamic editing style in American cinema, and took him from nudie king to national monument via the most outrageous exploitation of bosom buddydom ever.
-Time Out Good unserious fun.
Roger Ebert-Chicago Sun-Times Russ Meyer's 1968 skin-flick is a hilarious, stylistically adroit compendium of middle-American preoccupations: breasts, fishing, anticommunism.
Dave Kehr-Chicago Reader A furiously inspired anthology of lusty American fixations
Fernando F. Croce-CinePassion Equally popular with both male and female viewers, Vixen is a take-charge woman who gets what she wants.
-TV Guide's Movie Guide Light years ahead of its time - it's script and subtext are wonderfully unique
Clint Morris-Mediasharx The dialogue of this film alone, without any visual accompaniment, would presage a much more explicit film, not to mention its entertainment in and of itself.
Rumsey Taylor-Not Coming to a Theater Near You Gleefully silly, Meyer's skin-flick proved a landmark in American cult cinema by blending non-stop soft-core with asides on racism, draft dodging and Cuban communism.
Jamie Russell-Film4 New Movie Images Vixen!
Movie Overview For Vixen!
Vixen lives in a Canadian mountain resort with her naive pilot husband. While he's away flying in tourists, she gets it on with practically everybody including a husband and his wife, and even her biker brother. She is openly racist, and she makes it clear that she won't do the wild thing with her brother's biker friend, who is black.TagLine Vixen!